Use this method to cancel a booking.
Use this method to cancel a booking after a user-initiated action. The booking is not removed from our database. Its status changes to cancelled and allotment is restored.
In order to cancel a booking you must be the owner. Ownership is defined as follows:
The API user is responsible for notifying the property and the customer of the cancellation.
If you also like our system to send a cancellation confirmation e-mail make sure you pass the confirmation_email parameter. Alternatively, you can call /reservation/confirmation_email after a successful cancellation to send the cancellation confirmation e-mail.
API user is responsible for correctly applying cancellation fees when required or handling the cancellation based on hotel terms. Failure to do so may result in a ban.
confirmation_email | flag | NO | &confirmation_email |
Send cancellation confirmation e-mail to the customer and hotelier.
- The default is to NOT send any automated e-mails. - Only available via POST request as a Form param. |
reason | string | NO | &reason=Change%20of%20plans |
Pass cancellation reason.
- Only available via POST request as a Form param. |
{ "method": "", "http_method": "GET", "http_code": 200, "error_code": "OK", "error_msg": "", "params": [], "data": { "result":STRING, // Cancellation result. Enumerated value: OK in case of successful Cancellation. "cancellation_penalty_amount":MONEY, // (Optional) Cancellation penalty fee. If equals to 0, there is no penalty. If field is missing, penalty could not be defined most likely due to misconfiguration. "cancellation_penalty_currency":STRING // (Optional) Cancellation penalty fee currency. Always same to reservation currency. } }