A 12-month calendar of weekly stays. Perfect for Villas and other properties with pre-allocated 7-day stays.
You can use the following script anywhere on your page to display the weekly calendar.
<iframe src="https://{hostname.domain.tld}/widgets/weekly-calendar/" style="border:none" width=700 height=980></iframe>
Feel free to modify the IFRAME attributes any way you wish (e.g. to apply border or resize).
The width
should be no smaller than 700px for the weekly calendar to fit.
The height should be no smaller than 980px
for the weekly calendar to fit.
Please, replace {hostname.domain.tld} above with your property's booking engine fully qualified domain name (e.g. example.reserve-online.net).
If you choose to open the widget in a new window, just use the iframe src as the URL of the window. Please, make sure that you open a window at least 700px in width.
For smaller screens, please open the weekly calendar in a new page.
The following additional URL parameters to the iframe URL are supported .
startDate | date (ISO 8601) | NO | Opening date or Jan 1st |
&startDate=2024-11-05 | Use to specify the first date of the year a check-in is allowed. Calendar will display the entire year in 7-day intervals starting from this date. | |
day | string | Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun | NO | day of startDate | &day=Sun | if startDate does not match day parameter, startDate moves to the next date that matches day parameter. |
startMonth | integer | 1 – 12 | NO | 1 (January) | &startMonth=7 |
Offset the first month to display. Useful for properties that are open during the winter season. Calendar will
still display 12 months.
Only applicable for seasonal properties |
year | integer | this year – (this year + 1) | NO | 2024 | &year=2025 | Use this to display the calendar for another year |
persons | integer | min occupancy – max occupancy (capped to 6+) |
NO | 2 | &persons=3 | Occupancy to run availability for |
room | string | varchar(6) | NO | – | &room=DBL | Only returns availability for specified room type |
rate | integer | NO | – | &rate=448033 | Only returns availability for specified rate | |
board | integer | 1 – 23 | NO | – | &board=19 &board=3,19,21 |
Returns rates with specified board |
bkcode | string | varchar(255) | NO | – | &bkcode=SPECIALRATES | Returns private rates that are enabled by specified booking code |
voucher | string | varchar(255) | NO | – | &voucher=VCH123 | Unlocks special offers |
target | string | NO | _top | &target=_blank | Changes the form's target when clicking on a date Use "_blank" to open in new window |
mode | string | prices,status | NO | prices | &mode=status | When mode is set to 'status' no prices will be displayed. |
lang | string | NO | (auto-detect) | lang=es |
Can be language code (ISO 639-1) or specific language locale (case-insensitive) |